
NEON RAIDERS - The Night Before The Riots

NEON RAIDERS - The Night Before The Riots

Here we are again, back in business and keen to rage hard. It's the night before First Of May and we're about to dedicate this edition to the eternal rebel in all of you. Expect everything punk rock by heart: street-fighting classics, twisted electro bangers, oldschool punk rock, dark 'n' dusty rebel hymns, sonic punk-o-tronixxx and of course a lot o' cock 'n' roll. It's not gonna be Disco, kiddos. This one's seriously gonna rrrrrrrrock.

Gegen Organs

Eating an ‘I’, eating an eye. Incorporation — and not sensation — is the ultimate vehicle of the experience of the world. Centuries after Spinoza, we will still not know ‘what a body can do’.

Bear Bowling @ West Bowling Köln

Für viele Splits, Strikes, Pins, jede Menge Spaß und nette Leute.

For many splits, strikes, pins, a lot of fun and nice guys.

Eintritt: 15 € / 15€ entrance fee

Bear Sauna @ Babylon Sauna

BEAR SAUNA @ Babylon Sauna

inkl. 1 Freigetränk / incl. 1 drink free

Beard Bust @ Iron



Bear Sauna @ Babylon Sauna

BEAR SAUNA @ Babylon Sauna

inkl. gratis Bärenbuffet ab 18h / incl. free Bear buffet at 18h

New Years Underwear Party im Woof Berlin

17:00 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr
05:00 pm - 09:00 pm - open end

Einlass bis 18:30 Uhr - ab 21:00 uhr offen für alle (Crusing Night)
Doors open till 06:30 pm - from 09:00 pm open regularyly (Crusing Night)

Achtung: gesetzl. Feiertag - kein 2-4-1!
Caution: public holiday - no 2-4-1!

Brennerei Weiß

Die Brennerei Weiß ist seit Jahren der bekannte und beliebte Treff an der historischen Hahnentorburg am Rudolfplatz.


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