Unshaved - powered by Scruff Dezember 2015

Unshaved - powered by Scruff Dezember 2015


St. Georg
Ritterstr. 26
10969 Berlin


the last unshaved in 2015 - let's have a cosy party

Die Winter-Party für Holzfäller, Schneemänner, Kerle und Bären.
Pop, Disco, Dance und Club Classics.

Free jelly shots, free snacks, free hugs & eine Winterüberraschung.

DJ Bearscout & Friends. Freut Euch wieder auf Altbekanntes, Neues und lang Vermisstes.

Alle Einnahmen des Abends gehen wie immer an gemeinnützige Zwecke, denn Organisatoren und Helfer engagieren sich ehrenamtlich.
Gutes tun und Spaß dabei!

This unshaved-winter-party is for snowmen, lumber jacks, bearded, hairy men who like to dance and flirt.

The focus is to spread fun and joy. The music’s range includes Pop, Dance, Disco & Club Classics from 80ies till now, even unexpected pearls.

The admission is 5€ early bird in the first hour and 8€ regular. Free jelly shots, free snacks, free hugs and a winter-surprise.

Important to know – „Unshaved“ is also always a charity event. All the surplus is dedicated to social projects. The team is completely working without being paid.

Homebase is the location „st.Georg Berlin“ in Kreuzberg near Moritzplatz (Ritterstr. 26) U1 Prinzenstr./U8 Moritzplatz.

St. Georg
Ritterstr. 26
10969 Berlin , BB
Brandenburg DE
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